About Us
Our History. . . Briefly

I have been using colloidal silver for about 17 years. About 15 years ago, I tired of paying higher and higher prices for what I thought was higher quality, commercially produced colloidal silver. After all, I had been told by these companies that it was impossible to make quality colloidal silver at home.

Then, I met a friend who told me he'd been successfully making colloidal silver for himself and his family for about 10 years. And he shared with me some very basic, simple facts:

A home colloidal silver generator,
regardless of the claims or price or hype,
just contain these 3 things:
-- a low-voltage electrical source
-- very pure silver
-- distilled water

So, I wanted to know:
Why are all these websites charging a fortune for their colloidal silver generators,
trying to convince you that you cannot make quality colloidal silver at home without them?

I've now been producing successful, quality, very stable, colloidal silver at home for myself and my family for over 15 years. Our quality of life, and our individual levels of health have vastly improved. And that's why I want to share what I've learned: so that anyone who has the desire to produce their own quality colloidal silver at home will be able to do so.

The "Silva-Cap": Our Own Unique Design

I began experimenting with different colloidal silver generator ideas that were simple to use. I soon began to see that these designs could be affordable to anyone.

We've worked through and evolved a number of different styles, each improving in ease of use (and price!). Our most recent design, called the Silva-Cap, we feel, is unique, simple and innovative. It answers, we feel, many of the challenges in making colloidal silver at home. View all 3 designs of Silva-Caps on our Generators page and our Generator Components page.

"Agitating the Water":
Our final step in understanding quality Colloidal Silver Production

We discovered, along with some other Colloidal Silver Generator producers that "agitating the water" is invaluable to the Colloidal Silver production process. In fact, learning of the value of agitating the water was our final chapter in developing a very stable, high quality Small-Particle Colloidal Silver product (producing particles that are 1nm to 2nm in size).

I had been reading quite a bit about "agitating the water" to generate small-particle colloidal silver, to better stabilize the final product afterproduction, and most importantly to generate a higher colloidal content and less ionic silver content (which is far more desirable). In viewing photos of agitated water, it became very apparent to me that all they were doing was bubbling air in the water during the production process, to create a constantly agitated environment. Could it actually be that simple, easy and economical? Yes. It could and it is.

This led to the purchase of a small aquarium pump to agitate the water while the generator was working. I had no idea how radically the end product would so positively change for the better! The stability of the colloidal silver is amazing. I have had colloidal silver sitting in my kitchen cabinet during months when I don't need it. It remains clear and completely stable. And it's just as potent later as the day I make it.

However, the most dramatic result of agitating the water became evident to me right away. Agitating the water radically boosts the production and number of micro-silver particles! These are suspended particles (colloids) that are so small they are measured in "nanometers" and measured literally at 200,000x magnification! We sent our small-particle colloidal silver to a lab for testing, and the results amazed us! You may view images from the tests on our FAQ: Production page, where we've demonstrating dramatically the powerful result of agitating the water during production. Tiny, 1nm to 2nm silver particles are what work magic in the human body, particles being small enough to enter cell walls to kill harmful viruses and bacteria, reduce inflammation, and accomplish all sorts of good. Read some of the case studies I have collected over the years here.

Whatever you do during colloidal silver production of your own, buy a pump (we offer one that I use every time I make Colloidal Silver). Agitate the water. It makes a huge difference in the quality of your end product. (We offer the whole set up on our Generators page if you just wish to get started without all the shopping.) You'll be producing quite possibly the highest quality small-particle silver available to those of us who produce at home.

If you've already been producing colloidal silver at home, you'll want to know that your production experience will be different from what you have come to know and expect when you begin agitating the water.

When you agitate the water during production, be aware of these changes:

You will not see a cloud of silver ions coming off the positive rod while agitation is occurring.

You will more than likely not see the negative rod turn black unless your production period goes for several hours.

You will not see an amber color. Your colloidal silver is powerful, and crystal clear and will remain clear and very stable over time. After extended production times (perhaps after 5 to 6 hours of production time utilizing one of our generators), you will notice a clear, light "champagne" color. Otherwise, production time recommended by us will create a quite clear, extremely effective nanoparticle silver product.

Again, you may read more of my experiences, tests and results with agitating the water (along with a discussion of TDS meters and particle size) on our FAQ: Production page.

Next step: Contain all those parts, tubes and wires in a neat colloidal silver production container...It's our version of the "little black box"

You'll be able to make a GREAT, stable, crystal clear, highly colloidal, silver nanoparticle end product. But storing the pump with tubing, the transformer with wire and alligator clips, and all the cords is somewhat of a pain. I have up till now used a plastic storage container and just dumped all the components into it for storage. Then, when I was ready to make small-particle colloidal silver again, I just brought out the plastic container and started sorting through it and assembling what I needed to begin.

So, it was only logical that I began trying to think of a way to neatly contain all the components when I wasn't making colloidal silver. And that brought about our own version of the "little black box."

So, we took this:

And turned it into this:

I describe it tongue-in-cheek as the "little black box." It seems that every colloidal silver generator site offers a version of the little black box. Why not us?:) But as you can see by the photo, ours is completely different from anything out there. It's because I have been unsettled by the way some of these black boxes are constructed and meant to be used.

Safety is an issue with me. I'm not talking about safety with regard to the quality of my colloidal silver, because I know it is absolutely safe and almost miraculous in what it can accomplish. I am talking about electrical safety.

Have you noticed that on some sites, you're viewing a little black box sitting on top of a full open-topped jar of water? I have some background in the electrical trade, and when I view a little black box sitting on top of a jar full of water, with a 120V cord coming out the back plugged into a standard residential wall outlet, I cringe. It sets off the same alarms that having a hair dryer plugged in and laying near a bathtub full of water does. And it should you too. It's simply not safe to have a plugged-in appliance that close to water.

And when you're agitating the water, it increases the risk of electrical shock 10-fold. Agitating the water generates some splashing. And if you have a 120V cord plugged into wall outlet, powering a device that is sitting atop a jar full of agitated (splashing) water..... well, not good.

So, you'll see that in my design, with the Silva-Cap (our own unique design), first we virtually eliminate splashing water, and thereby eliminate any mess or risk of electrical shock. Next, you will see that our little black box is isolated and set apart from the jar of agitated distilled water during production. MUCH safer that way. We've taken the air pump and transformer (everything you see in the photos), and placed them safely inside our black box. We've then installed posts so that you can individually wrap the vinyl pump tubing, the low voltage wire with alligator clips, and the electrical cord. Wrap each component, and you're good to go until you make colloidal silver again! There's even an "on/off" toggle switch. A few years after we debuted the little black box, we added a version that contains two switches: one switch controls the air pump, and one switch controls the power supply. Some customers wished to generate colloidal silver without agitating the water, and so wished the air pump was not running during production. Both versions are available on our Generators page.

Yes, I know that our little black box might look a little goofy. I've taken a lot of ribbing while we tested it. But it works.

It's available for purchase on the Generators page. It is GREATLY less expensive than comparable units on most websites today. It's a good deal less expensive than "the other guy's" agitated water colloidal silver generator, and has far less risk of electrical shock when in use.

The Development of the Gallon Kit,
and the Half-Gallon Kit

Later, listening to our customers, we developed several more kit designs, all utilizing the water agitating process.

We had customers who wished to produce larger quantities of colloidal silver, but within the same time-frame required to produce one quart.

This was a great challenge, and required a whole lot of testing. But I feel gratified to be able to offer a 1-Gallon Small-Particle Colloidal Silver Kit. This kit will produce one gallon of 50ppm small-particle colloidal silver in 5 hours. It uses (4) 14" long, 14g silver rods to accomplish its work.

You can read more about the kit on our its Generator page, and on our FAQs:Production page.

On the heels of the 1-Gallon Kit, I received several requests from customers who wished to generate more than a quart of colloidal silver at one time, but did not wish to produce a full gallon. Usually, this involved families who were sharing colloidal silver, or individuals producing for themselves and someone else. So I developed the Half-Gallon kit.

The principle of this kit was actually simple. If I double the amount of distilled water, double the surface area of silver (using 4 rods instead of 2), and provide an independent power source for each pair of rods, will I be able to generate a half-gallon of small-particle colloidal silver? Yes. You can read about production results on our FAQs:Production page, and view the Half-Gallon generator kit here.

The Battery-Powered Kits

One of the most-fun challenges I had was to develop a battery-powered kit that agitated the water. It became a bit involved, but accomplishes what I was after. I launched this design knowing that most everyone who has ever attempted producing colloidal silver from home will have begun with one or two 9-volt batteries, wires and alligator clips. Yes, it is something you can put together for about $10 or $20 max.

But I was getting requests for kits from people who lived off-grid (like missionaries in the jungles of South America and in the deserts of Africa, as well as those who do not want to rely on our nation's power grid should something devastating occur), to produce a reliable small-particle colloidal silver kit that could be stored and brought into use should our current times turn nasty.

I have loved receiving emails from individuals who have purchased this battery-operated kit. I have put two of my favorites at the head of the Battery-Powered Kits page. These kits have filled a need, provided health as well as provided a source of comfort.

So, that's the backstory of the battery-powered kits. I decided to offer two different voltages, in case someone was not comfortable with the 27V (utilizing (3) 9V batteries. The 18V kit is also available.

Both kits utilize a battery-powered air pump to agitate the water to ensure the production of nanoparticle colloidal silver. The batteries in both units are simple to use, and changing the batteries is easy.

So, that's the background behind the starting of "Colloidal Silver How-To."
We wanted to offer people who are honestly ready to begin production of their own high-quality, stable small-particle colloidal silver the materials to begin doing so right away. And because we feel so strongly that every household should have the means to make their own colloidal silver, we've worked to make these production materials available to you at extremely affordable prices.

I believe in colloidal silver and its benefits, particularly in small-particle colloidal silver. And I wanted through this website to be able to assist anyone who wishes to experience those results for a realistic financial investment. Don't fall for the "it costs more, so it must be better" mind-frame and be convinced you need to spend hundreds of dollars to make high-quality, stable small-particle colloidal silver. You, too, can make high-quality, stable small-particle colloidal silver at home, and greatly improve the health quality of your life and the lives of your family, for a price far less than you've probably come to believe it would cost you!

Closing Thoughts

Some closing thoughts regarding colloidal home production:

As with anything that is "new," with potentially extremely positive effects on the health of humanity, simple for anyone anywhere to produce, something that is potentially extremely profitable, along with something that could seriously harm the profits of big pharmaceutical companies, there will be controversy.

There's controversy over production methods, production claims, end results and measurements, pricing and costs to produce, and even levels of effectiveness. The list goes on.

Please know that my desire with this website is to arrive at the truth about the most effective means to produce the highest-quality colloidal silver at home.

The colloidal silver production methods described on this website simply work. The colloidal silver produced by the methods described on this website is effective and powerful. I receive frequent emails from customers who have purchased generators from this website letting me know that their colloidal silver is extraordinarily effective and powerful. Let's not lose sight of this fact.

Let's acknowledge that there are lots of ways to produce quality colloidal silver. There are a variety of methods offered by lots of websites. What disturbs me is that rather than focus on their methods, so many have chosen to attack other sites that propose a different method.

My purpose is to show a method where we can produce high-quality, effective colloidal silver simply by adding a $20 device to your current production methods! We simply don't need to spend hundreds of dollars to produce quality colloidal silver.

Here's a quote from someone who recently purchased one of our generators that I have just now received in an email (after a host of emails challenging the "science" and conclusions we've reach in what you will read below).

"I have shared some of my CS brew with my sister who got me interested in making our own. She reported a remarkable difference over the CS we had been purchasing. I am very glad I was led to your website." -- Ron L., Carrollton, GA

I only want to spread the good news that better health can be experienced with colloidal silver. And better colloidal silver can be produced by making it at home using the methods described on this website

Today you've no doubt watched basic healthcare prices steadily rise--where a disease or illness could literally wipe us out financially. So now, more than ever, those of us who are taking responsibility for our health must absolutely focus on a preventive health care regimen. And the most powerful regimen to keep you and your family healthy, among other things, must include nanoparticle collodial silver.

And so now, thankfully, you want to get started making your own colloidal silver. And your commitment is to make the highest quality product possible with home colloidal silver production, to generate the most beneficial results. Do you realize that for about the same price as you've been paying for a single quart of commercial colloidal silver, you could purchase tools to begin making your own?

But if you're like me, you've done a lot of reading. Perhaps, like me, you've become frustrated reading information on one "authoritative" website that contradicts information on other "authoritative" websites. Issues like: What is silver solution, i.e., colloidal silver exactly? What is nano silver and can it be produced at home? Does quality colloidal silver have a color, or is it clear over time? Is a "parts per million" (ppm) from a TDS meter a reliable and accurate reading of actual colloids in my colloidal silver? Are ionic silver particles harmful when consumed?

So, who's right? What information can I rely on to make quality colloidal silver at home, if there seems to be so much conflict on these important issues?

This was exactly the position I found myself in almost 18 years ago. I had been paying exhobitant prices for colloidal silver in health stores for years when a friend told me how easily I could make colloidal silver at home.

I spent the next several years doing research on how to make quality small-particle colloidal silver. And I also realized that ultimately what can be said to be the "truth" about colloidal silver can only be measured by my results.

What you'll find on this site is a commitment to creating results with colloidal silver.
Information on this site is based very strictly on actual results gathered through production, use, testing and testimonials.
We're stripping down the hype,
and working to get you the information you'll need.

I want to particularly recommend that you read our most recently updated page: FAQs: Production. On this page, you will view our most recent experiences, discussions and tests regarding agitating the water during production, the role of the TDS meter, and particle size produced by our generators.

But even after reading all this, here's what you need to know:

You probably have almost all the necessary components to make quality small-particle colloidal silver in your own home. And those items you lack, you'll be able to find here.

Thank you for visiting! Be sure to contact us if you have any questions!

Below are some closing thoughts taken from notes I've made over the years of discovering, investigating, taking colloidal silver, developing my own generators, and making them available to you at an affordable price. Enjoy.

An article in Sicence Digest (March, 1978) states:
"An antiobiotic kills perhaps a half-dozen different disease organisms, but silver kills some 650. Resistant strains fail to develop. . . Even tiny amounts of silver wipe out huge quantities of disease organisms in water. . . After testing 23 methods of purifying water, NASA selected a silver system for the space shuttle."

Colloidal silver appears to kill all pathogenic bacteria and neither selects nor permists the development of resistant strains. Colloidal silver does not have the negative side effects associated with most antibiotics. Because it is so gentle, because it does not interact with other medications, and because of its broad spectrum of efficacy, colloidal silver has been tested on a variety of illnesses and found to be efficient against a wide variety of infectious diseases, while having no reported negative side effects.

There is evidence that the silver actually enhances the immune system, allowing it to more effectively responde to any invasive pathogens.

The critical issue is that because of the broad action of silver, even mutations of bacteria and viruses would be killed by the silver. Colloidal silver will not generate resistant strains.

There is increasing evidence that a virus first discovered in monkeys, SV 40, is a powerful cancer-causing agent and may be responsible for mesothelioma (a deadly cancer that affects the lining of the lungs). It may also be responsible for bone cancers, pituitary and thyroid tumors, and brain tumors. It is widely believed that more than 1/3 of cancers are caused by microbial agents. This estimate has risen markedly over the past ten years and may continue to rise. Because the silver is a potent anti-microbial, effective against bacteria, viruses, and yeasts, taking it regularly as a prophylactic may prevent the development of cancers.

An article from Forbes Magazine (November 15, 1999) states:
"For years the medical establishment laughed off Marshall's theory [that ulcers can be caused by a bacterium], even after he demonstrated it... Could the medical establishment be making the same mistake about other chronic diseases - such killers as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer's? It is taken as a given amonth both doctors and scientific researchers that the causes of these ailments are genetic or environmental or both... But what if bugs start the process for some or many of these diseases?... The question is not as far-fetched as it seems..."

Excerpts from writings by Dr. Kenneth S. Friedman state:
"Previous breakthroughs in the development of antibiotics have proved to be self-limiting. They cannot eliminate infectious diseases once and for all, as we had previously hoped and thought. They merely buy time before the microbes mutate to develop strains that are resistant to the antibiotics. Moreover, it seems that this time window of antibiotic effectiveness has been shrinking. Despite increasing amounts of capital devoted to new generations of antibiotics, we appear to be losing ground to new generations of mutant bacteria and viruses, and we may well find ourselves back at square one, where nothing in our medical armamentarium will work against new strains of antibiotic-resistant pathogens. Plagues and pandemics, which we thought we had cured many generations ago, could return with new virulence. With SARS and the avian influenza virus, this prediction appears increasingly likely to come true. In such an environment, colloidal silver could mean the difference between life and death."

Friend, I acknowledge you and praise your commitment to health for yourself and those you love. Thank you for being one of the few who is taking responsibility by searching, learning, reaching out, and taking action.

I'm frequently contacted by site visitors who tell me things like, "I am getting these supplies for my daughter and her family". . . , or "I am sending supplies to our church's missionaries in Africa". . . , or "I am giving these supplies to a dear friend whose only hope is using colloidal silver to help her." I am always so touched by the kindness and generosity of people like you whose desires are to help others while also responsibly ensuring your own health. Thank you for your emails. You continue to be an inspiration to us.

God bless. And thank you for finding our website.

I already bought a machine from you a few weeks ago, and I am ordering for my Mother. I told her how much I like mine. I think this set up is so well explained that she will do well with it also.

Annette S.
Punta Gorda, FL
