Colloidal Silver FAQs:
Our Production Process

Below is a collection of experiences, comments and results based on empirical and personal experiences, actual tests, and questions from colloidal silver producers and users. This page deals specifically with our production method and specifically with lab tests of the colloidal silver produced by our generators.

Our home colloidal silver production method produces the highest-quality, stable and effective colloidal silver available. Our test results show this below. When I am questioned about other sites and claims on those sites, I reply to them with comments on our FAQS: Other Production Methods page.​

To get fast answers to the issues covered on this page, just click onto the questions below. (Please know that the links are not functional on the mobile website.

Why is Particle Size so Important?

From the internet, in my own personal research, I will share with you my personal notes regarding colloidal silver and silver particles:

True silver colloids are products that do not contain any protein or other additives and whose silver content is predominantly in the form of nanometer sized silver particles. The effectiveness of colloidal solutions increases with decreasing particle size. Particle surface area is what determines a colloids ability to react with its environment. Reactivity increases with increasing surface area. Particle surface area can be determined by measuring two important physical properties, namely, particle size and particle concentration. Effectiveness is defined as the ability of the colloid to react with its environment. The higher the surface area, the more reactive the colloid, hence the more effective it is in reacting with its environment.--

Why our generators and our production process are so valuable:

  • You are producing 1nm to 2nm particles when agitating the water (see the topics below).

  • As described above, these tiny silver particles are the agents for the most effective colloidal silver use.

  • Our generators and recommended production processes allow you to produce this highly effective form of colloidal silver for less than $2 per quart.

  • To increase the colloid particle concentration, simply increase production time.

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What is "agitating the water" and what effect does it have on my own Colloidal Silver production?

There are those that say that agitating the water with an air bubbler has no effect on colloidal silver. While we understand that those who espouse this viewpoint are trying to build a case for selling their own, more expensive colloidal silver home production methods, you really need to understand that the simple process of agitating the water during production with an air bubbler does actually in fact produce measurable, testable results as to its efficacy. (Scroll further to view our independent test results.)

We show that this simple, inexpensive home production method will produce for you 1nm to 2nm micro-particle colloidal silver. We've always known that home production produces ionic silver by the very nature of a production method using electricity. But agitating the water generates nanoparticle silver: a perfect end result for effectively producing quality colloidal silver at home.

We discovered, along with some other colloidal silver generator producers that "agitating the water" is invaluable to the colloidal silver production process. In fact, learning of the value of agitating the water was the final chapter in developing a very stable, high quality small-particle colloidal silver product at home, for about $1 per quart, which has been my goal.

I had been reading quite a bit about "agitating the water" to reduce the macro-particles often found in production of silver solution, to better stabilize the final product after production, and most importantly to generate a higher colloidal content. In viewing photos of agitated water, it became very apparent to me that all they were doing was pumping air through the water during the production process, thereby keeping up a constant state of agitation.

That led to purchasing a small aquarium pump to agitate the water while the generator was working. I had no idea how radically the end product would so positively change for the better! Whatever you do during colloidal silver production of your own, buy a pump (we offer one that I use every time I make colloidal silver). Agitate the water. It makes a huge difference in the quality of your end product.

But continue reading below for the discovery that truly caused us to realize what agitating the water can accomplish by generating small-particle silver, increasing the effectiveness of silver in water in applications to our health.

View below photos comparing the visual difference between colloidal silver produced without agitating the water (in quart jar on the left), and colloidal silver produced while agitating the water (the quart jar on the right): (Click on the images to enlarge.)

12 Hours
2 Days
3 Days
6 Days
10 Days
14 Days

As you can see, the difference in the 2 jars is striking. The colloidal silver on the left, produced by not agitating the water, is amber colored in only 12 hours, and continues to darken as the days pass.

The jar on the right, containing clearer colloidal silver, remained clear from the beginning, and continues to remain clear (and effective) over time.
The amber/brown color in fact denotes the lack of nanoparticle silver (see below).
Brown colloidal silver is probably best used in topical applications only, while clear nanoparticle colloidal silver is most effective.

Here are the conditions of production of the above quarts of colloidal silver:

  • Both colloidal silver batches were produced with an 18V, 500ma DC output transformer for 3 hours.

  • Both colloidal silver batches were produced using new .9999 silver rods (from this website), with a Silva-Cap (also from this website).

  • The clear colloidal silver was produced by utilizing the air pump water agitator and low voltage transformer, found as a generator package here on this website, and as components on our Generator Components page. The air pump hose was removed, and a second batch was produced, the result of which is the amber colored colloidal silver.

The only production difference between the two batches was the air pump agitator.

Conclusion: Agitating the distilled water during production of colloidal silver without doubt affects the end result of your colloidal silver product. By agitating the water, the colloidal silver end result is one that remains clear and stable over time.

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What is the particle size of the colloidal silver produced with your generators?

You will read on many internet pages that for colloidal silver to be effective, particle size must remain smaller than 50nm (nm = "nanometer"), and to be absorbed through cell walls must be less than 3nm to 5nm in size.

Samples from the jars of colloidal silver produced above were shipped to a university lab to measure particle size. The process is called "TEM" (Transmission Electron Microscopy). You may read about the process here. * (see note below at the end of this section regarding TEM)

We shipped the samples for tests for these reasons:

  • We wanted to discover whether or not agitating the water actually made a difference in the colloidal silver end product.

  • We wanted to see if agitating the water did indeed produce smaller particles.

  • We waited 15 days after production so that if the smaller particles (if they actually existed) converted back to ionic silver (as some websites claim will happen when agitating the water with an air bubbler), would there be any nanoparticles remaing?

The test was conducted in March of 2013 by TEM Analysis Services in Azle, Texas. Test images were delivered to me by email, with comments and image interpretations in an accompanying email describing particle size.

Here is the report content from the lab personnel at TEM Analysis Services accompanying the images:

"Attached are the bright field TEM images for each of the samples that you submitted. We located 1-2nm particles for sample #1. In preparing the samples for TEM observation, we used typical TEM protocol: we ultrasonically agitating the samples for a few minutes and then placing a couple of drops of the solutions on a carbon coated grid and then imaging the samples after they air dried."

Below are the images that substantiates our assertion that agitating the water during production will produce 1nm to 2nm size silver colloids.

Here are the TEM image results:

Sample 1 was produced using air pump agitation with the air pump available on this site. This image illustrates the higher number of very small colloidal silver particles, measuring 1nm to 2nm in size (see above). The age of the sample at the time of testing was 21 days old.

Sample 2 was produced with no water agitation. Most particles imaged measure between 30nm and 50nm in size. There were no particles smaller than 20nm evident in this test. The age of this sample at the time of testing was also 21 days old.


The image below (21 days old at the time of testing, which allowed any silver oxide to revert to ionic silver, as claimed to occur by some colloidal silver manufacturer websites) reflects the particle size that is generated as a result of agitating the water during colloidal silver production. The lab provided a measurement of average nanometer particle size of 1nm to 2nm. (This translates to .0010 to .0020 microns. One micron is 1/25,400 of an inch. The particles produced by our generators are therefore 1/25,400,000 of an inch in size.) These particles are identified by arrows at 200,000x magnification, in a product that was produced 21 days prior. Even smaller particles existed in the sample, along with larger, individual particles (as seen in the photo below). (The scale in the image reads: "10 nm.")


The image below is a typical image sample of the particle(s) created with colloidal silver production without the process of agitating the water. The sample was also tested 21 days after production, and produced an average size particle of 20nm to 50nm at 200,000x magnification. There was no evidence of individual 1nm to 2nm particles in the image sample below (as seen in the image above). Particles in Sample 2 appeared as "grape-like clusters." (The scale provided in the image below reads: "10 nm.")


  • By agitating the water, you are dramatically altering colloidal silver during production.

  • By agitating the water, you are indeed producing 1nm to 2nm particles in your colloidal silver solution.

  • Even after a waiting period of 21 days, to allow particles to revert to ionic silver, we continue to see a large number of 1nm to 2nm particles in the image of Sample 1. No particles of this size are visible in the image of Sample 2.

From the perspective of my and my family's personal use, agitating the water during production creates a highly stable, extremely effective small-particle colloidal silver product.

* TEM is in fact the method of choice to adequately measure particle size within the industry. The "science site" publishes claims to the contrary. Again, I refer to the article published by Hydrosol, producers of a high-quality colloidal silver product, as they prove through science the errors published by the producers of Mesosilver.

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What is the ppm (parts per million) of colloidal silver made with your generators?

With the 24V Basic Generator Kit,* the ppm (parts per million) colloidal content you will generate during production:

  • ​2-1/2 hours production time: 12ppm (Commercial, retail level of many colloidal silver products.)

  • 3 hours production time: 20ppm (I use this level of ppm when I take CS orally as a daily mineral supplement.)

  • 3-1/2 hours producton time: 32ppm

  • 4-1/2 hours production time: 45ppm

  • 5 hours production time: 60ppm (This is the level of colliodal silver I use in oral and nasal misters because I experience better results. I also carefully use this level of ppm when I am aggressively fighting off an affliction.)

*(The 24V Basic Generator Kit is the kit we use in our home.)

With the Black Box Generator Kit, the ppm (parts per million) colloidal content you will generate during production:

  • 2 hours production time: 16ppm (Commercial, retail level of many colloidal silver products)
    3 hours production time: 30ppm
    4 hours production time: 40ppm
    5 hours production time: 60ppm

With the Half-Gallon Generator, the ppm (parts per million) colloidal content you will generate during production:

  • 1-1/2 hours production time: 7ppm

  • 2 hours production time: 11pm

  • 2-1/2 hours production time: 16ppm (Commercial, retail level of many colloidal silver products)

  • 3 hours production time: 22ppm

  • 3-1/2 hours production time: 32ppm

  • 4 hours production time: 36ppm

  • 4-1/2 hours production time: 42ppm

  • 5 hours production time: 48ppm

With the 1-Gallon Generator, the ppm (parts per million) colloidal content you will generate during production:

  • 2 hours production time: 12ppm (Commercial, retail level of many colloidal silver products)

  • 3 hours production time: 22ppm

  • 3-1/2 hours production time: 28ppm

  • 4 hours production time: 35ppm

  • 4-1/2 hours production time: 43ppm

  • 5 hours production time: 50ppm

With the 18-Volt Battery Generator (using two 9-volt batteries), the ppm (parts per million) colloidal content you will generate during production:

  • 2-1/2 hours production time: 4ppm

  • 3 hours production time: 5ppm

  • 3-1/2 hours production time: 6ppm

  • 4 hours production time: 9ppm

  • 4-1/2 hours production time: 12ppm (Commercial, retail level of many colloidal silver products)

  • 5 hours production time: 17ppm

With the 27-Volt Battery Generator (using three 9-volt batteries), the ppm (parts per million) colloidal content you will generate during production:

  • 2 hours production time: 20ppm (Commercial, retail level or higher of many colloidal silver products)

  • 2-1/2 hours production time: 29ppm

  • 3 hours production time: 36ppm

  • 3-1/2 hours production time: 48ppm

  • 4 hours production time: 60ppm

  • 4-1/2 hours production time: 66ppm

  • 5 hours production time: 72ppm

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I have read that "ionic silver" is really not an effective form of colloidal silver. And then I read that ionic silver is the only effective. What do your generators produce?

Regardless of what you read on other websites, if you are using DC (direct current) electricity to make colloidal silver (which we who produce colloidal silver at home are using by default), you are generating ionic silver. In fact, many in the industry have written that all we are producing at home is ionic silver, which they claim is not as effective as nanoparticle silver.

The step we are taking that changes things is agitating the water during production, thereby creating nano-sized silver particles (see images above). Both ionic silver and small particle silver are beneficial to support health. But nanoparticles are by far and away more effective and beneficial. And I have also noticed that the websites that claim that home production of colloidal silver only results in ionic silver also are attempting to sell their product at incredibly high prices. Hmmm. Sounds suspicious to m

These websites also claim that true colliodal silver must have a color. We have discovered that the presence of "color," amber to brown, is not the presence of nanoparticles, but the presence of large, grapelike clusters too larger to enter cells walls and are thus ineffective, except perhaps for topical applications. (See TEM images above.) We discovered that the environment that hosts nanoparticles is clear, and remains clear, stable and effective over time.

So, I know the information out there is confusing. I suggest allowing our tests and your personal experience be your guide. You will see which product supports your needs, and will remain confident in the quality of colloidal silver you produce at home with our system.

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Thank you for your interest in our website, in our products and in the production of quality, stable, effective colloidal silver for you and those you love!

I have to say I expected Walmart plastic and was impressed by the quality of what you sell, especially for the price. I look forward to doing more budiness with you as I make others aware of the benefits of CS. I make it for many.

David G.
Estes Park, CO

a close up of a metal object on a black surface
a close up of a metal object on a black surface
