Colloidal Silver FAQs:
Other Production Methods

This page is a commentary page. These are questions I have received and continue receiving regarding claims made by other websites that conflict with the information on this website.

We launched this version of the website in 2013 after we developed our own kits, with our special features like the Silva-Cap production cap, and showing the production results with results of our lab tests. And apparently we began making a splash. Almost immediately I had customers contacting me letting me know that other sites did not agree with our methods.

As with most websites working to sell you their products, there is the attempt to tell you that their method is the only truly efficient method of home colloidal silver production, and that all others are basically worthless, or at best, producing colloidal silver that is less than desirable.

However, what makes our process the most truthful, we feel, is that we back up our claims with actual lab-verified results. Our process will provide you with 1nm to 2nm size particles, which is the entire purpose of producing colloidal silver at home. What I suggest you do is ask the websites that are pushing their method as superior to any other method to show you the lab tests that prove their claim. I continue to be amazed at the claims on the internet that are not backed by lab testing. So, just be aware: if there are no results supporting claims, then you cannot be confident that the claims are the truth.

It seems that there are 5 or 6 topics that make the rounds on the internet every 2 to 3 years. I have posted those questions below with my comments. Enjoy!

Does "stirring" during production have anything to do with particle size?

As you are aware, we discovered that agitating the water during production is simple key to producing nanoparticles silver. The only advantage I can see in stirring the water during production is that you are agitating the water to a degree. We do not feel that stirring agitates the water adequately, and thus does not necessarily warrant the investment in a stirring device.

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Does "constant current" have anything to do with particle size?

Please read the introduction paragraphs above, as they relate to this question.

The "constant current" issue sounds very intellectual and scientific. And on its face, everything probably makes sense. However, we discovered that constant current has nothing to do with particle size.

What we did discover is that electrical voltage and amperage DOES have a bearing on production. We discovered that not constant current, but constant voltage has bearing on production. In our testing, we found that the higher the voltage, and the lower the amperage, the faster you are able to produce colloidal silver. This is why we use 24V 500mA power supplies.

Given we provide guidelines for production times and ppm, we want the production times to be reliable. And that's why we sell "constant voltage" power supplies.​

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Does making colloidal silver with 12V produce smaller particles than with 24V?


As stated above, the size of particles is not dependent on the electrical voltage amount, but on agitating the water during production. What we found is that 12V can be used, of course, but it will take twice as long to produce your desired ppm as it will take with 24V. You will be producing nanoparticles regardless of the voltage when you agitate the water.

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Does production with 10g silver rods produce smaller particles than 12g or 14g?

This claim from a silver rod seller on Amazon, that larger 10g silver rods will produce smaller particles, caused my jaw to drop. Where on earth could such a claim come from? I just hope people who read that see that it makes no sense. 10g silver rods will provide you with more surface area, so the only difference you will see in production is a shorter production time because you will have more area exposed for the production process. That's all.

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Does lower ppm (such as 10ppm) mean that your particles are smaller than if you have a 20ppm or higher solution?


Again, this question has nothing to do with particle size. With our production method, you will be producing nanoparticles at all levels of parts per million. The claim is that higher parts per million will allow the particles to clump together. The particles will clump together if the distilled water is not agitated. View our test results proving this fact on our FAQs: Production Process page.

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Does adding salt or saline to the production process reduce particle size?


I realize there is an explanation for the benefits of adding salt to the process, but there is simply no need. With our method, you are producing 1nm to 2nm size particles, so we see no need in adding anything to the water during production. In fact, it makes us wary adding salt for the simple reason that you might be providing elements to the water that could be bonding with the silver that could be harmful.

Salt is sodium chloride whose atoms become free to bond with silver during production. "I have been told" (note that this too is probably speculation) that adding salt to the production process is also creating silver chloride. My understanding is that silver chloride is actually harmful, and has been traced to the development of argyrias in persons who consume colloidal silver made with salt.

So, my suggestion? Stay away from the salt in colloidal silver production. It could actually be harmful. There is just simply no need to add anything to your production process.

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Does heating the water prior to production produce smaller silver particles?​

I realize heating the water prior to production is a fairly common practice. I don't actually endorse it for a couple of simple reasons.

We all learned in public school science class that heating water agitates the water molecules. So, it is obvious that heating the water is simply another form of agitating the water during production. That's the benefit.

However, two things can happen. First, the water cools down, the molecules calm, and agitation stops, so you are back to attempting to produce colloidal silver without the benefit of agitation. The second thing is that you might be tempted to continue heating the water during production. To me, this could be potentially quite dangerous. The glass jar could break, the water could scald, and on and on. It's just simpler to agitate the water with an air pump as our system recommends.​

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I've read that "real" colloidal silver is amber in color. Yours is clear. Who is correct?​​

If you view the photos on the FAQS: Production Process page, you will see the comparison of the amber colloidal silver and the clear colloidal silver, with the explanation of the production methods used for each. Samples from each were tested by a university lab with TEM testing equipment. As you can see, the view of the amber colloidal silver displays large (50nm) particles in clumps that we know are too large to enter tissue cell walls. The view of the clear colloidal silver, when magnified 200,000x in TEM testing, displays individual particles that are 1nm to 2nm in size.

I encourage you to ask the website owners that claim that colloidal silver simply must have a color if they will kindly show you the TEM image results that show the particle size of the colloidal silver they produce. Hint: There are no lab test results offered by these people. Ever. Just a lot of jargon, philosophy and speculation.

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Why don't you use an aquarium air stone at the end of your air hose? Wouldn't that oxygenate the water better?

I have had some questions that deal with customers thinking that agitating the water is to oxygenate the water. Oxygenating the water is not the goal. Bubbling the water with air is to agitate the water, which provides the context for the existence of nanoparticles. Thus we see no value to adding an air stone. And incidentally, an air stone greatly reduces water agitation, so adding an air stone would actually undermine the purpose of the air bubbler in the first place.

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Thank you for your interest in our website, in our products and in the production of quality, stable, effective colloidal silver for you and those you love!

We hope you will stay in touch with us.

I would just like to thank you for such wonderful product! I have used colloidal silver for years, believing it would be too complicated to do myself. This device you have created is wonderful. Very efficient! We've made several batches and love that it's so easy to have access to more as needed.

Jana C.
Spicer, MN

yellow sunflower field during daytime
yellow sunflower field during daytime
